
Hello! I'm Reyno, I mainly write about cool things I find on the internet!

My main focus points are accessibility and performance, something that is overlooked in a lot of websites. Currently working as a Wordpress developer but love to tinker in javascript with frameworks like Vue or React in my spare time.

Reyno te Koppele


  • Terminal with colors and autosuggestions
    • Terminal
    • Fun

    Creating the ultimate terminal setup for development

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  • Toggle buttons in different states and orientations
    • Accessibility

    An accessible light/dark mode button

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  • Modern Image Generator

    Configure and generate images in different formats and sizes (Basic version is already used to generate images for this site)

  • MongoDB Database with schema validation

    Move site content to a database, probably Dockerize the application as well

  • Content Management System

    Make site content editable via a back-end system

  • Sandbox Environment

    Custom sandbox / playground to show code examples